We are interested in reviewing all aspects of digital archaeology/heritage: websites, apps, software and online resources. We tend not to review books unless they have a very specific archaeological computing slant so we do make exceptions. We are also interested in developing themed reviews and 'double reviews' (where two people with very different needs/perspectives write a review of the same product).
Most reviews are solicited by the journal editor, but if you would like to review something for us, just ask! editor@intarch.ac.uk. If you have been asked to review something for us, please ensure that you supply the following information in your submitted draft.
Reviews tend to be written format and if so, should be c.2000 words (but we do break the rules sometimes). We encourage you to include images/screen grabs of the product under review (which should be accompanied by explanatory captions). We welcome the inclusion of alternative review formats e.g. video clips.
Internet Archaeology is an open access journal based in the Department of Archaeology, University of York. Except where otherwise noted, content from this work may be used under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 (CC BY) Unported licence, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided that attribution to the author(s), the title of the work, the Internet Archaeology journal and the relevant URL/DOI are given.
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