Of the ten forms of flat-based
amphora types defined by Laubenheimer, at least five can be recognized
in Britain. The furrowed rim amphora of northern Gaul,
12, is reported separately
- the remainder are dealt with here. They are distinguishable by
body form and rim shape:
Flaring collar rim with short strap handles, usually with two grooves;
spherical body with wide base.
Thickened rim with distinct moulded collar below the lip and short
flat handles; tapering body with narrow foot.
Thick rounded rim and short flat handles with a
central groove; broad
shouldered body tapering to a narrow foot. The most common
Flattened projecting rim with relatively tall narrow neck; body shape
as Gauloise 4.
Potters and stamps
Many examples (particularly of G1 and G4) are stamped across the
shoulder or neck (catalogue of stamps in Laubenheimer 1985, 413-44).
Fabric and technology
Although produced at a large number of kilns, most fabrics are fine
and reasonably hard, pale buff
(Munsell e.g. 10YR 9/4)
with fine inclusions of limestone, quartz and rock fragments; they
tend to be rather micaceous. The surfaces can have a rather open
finish that has been described as `stretched dough'. Marks of cloth
strips wrapped around the lower body may be visible - these would
have supported the wet clay during manufacturing. A coarser fabric,
Gauloise sableuse,
has more abundant and larger inclusions and is particularly
characteristic of the earlier specimens of
1 from the lower Rhône valley. The variety of fabrics and their
possible sources are described by Martin-Kilcher
Augst TG 22-36
From 26l and 37l (for G1 and G4). Post-firing graffiti on the handle
or shoulder may record the volumes of the empty vessel in
(see discussion in Martin-Kilcher 1994, 368-9).
Numerous kilns are known throughout
Gallia Narbonensis,
and this region is the source of most specimens. Flat-based amphoras
were also produced at sites in Burgundy, the Loire Valley, eastern
Gaul (e.g. Baudoux 1992, fig.7)
and the Bordeaux region (Berthault 1992).
The Marseille flat-based amphoras of the Roman period, in a
characteristic highly micaceous fabric are described by Bertucchi (1992, 111-24, variants 6-7).
Some Marseille name-stamps are in Greek characters.
Production commences in the lower Rhône valley during the early-1st
cent. AD, with the G1 (perhaps based on earlier Massiolite
prototypes). The G4 develops during the later 1st cent. AD and
continues to be produced and exported throughout the 2nd and into the
3rd cent.
These amphoras principally contained wine, as attested on
tituli picti.
G4 amphoras are widely distributed in Gaul, the Rhineland and Britain,
and were also exported to Italy and elsewhere around the Mediterranean
- including some in the east. The Rhône-Rhine axis seems to
have been the principal route to the north and a series of bas-reliefs
and sculptures along this line figure
amphoras on barges and ships, where they are often depicted protected
by wickerwork. In Britain
amphoras are found from the Flavian period (e.g. Fitzpatrick 1992, 181)
and throughout the 2nd and 3rd centuries.
classes 10, 11, 12 and 13.
Peacock and Williams
classes 27 (Gauloise 4,
Pélichet 47,
Ostia LX,
Callender 10,
Niederbieber 76), 28 (Gauloise 1), 29 (Gauloise 3) and 30 (Gauloise 5).
Although southern Gaul, Narbonnaise, is the principal source of
flat-based amphoras in Britain, some of the central Gaulish products
were also exported. Laubenheimer has drawn attention to a vessel from
London stamped
which seems to be a product of the kilns at Gueugnon in Burgundy (Laubenheimer and Notet 1986, 439, fig.7,4).
As further production sites outside southern Gaul are discovered it is
likely that their products will be recognized in Britain.
Baudoux 1992
Baudoux, J., Production d'amphores dans l'Est de la Gaule, in Les amphores en Gaule. Production et circulation, F. Laubenheimer ed., Centre de Recherches d'Histoire Ancienne, 116, 59-69, Université de Besançon, Besançon, 1992.
Berthault 1992
Berthault, F., Production d'amphores dans la région bordelaise, in Les amphores en Gaule. Production et circulation, F. Laubenheimer ed., Centre de Recherches d'Histoire Ancienne, 116, 93-100, Université de Besançon, Besançon, 1992.
Bertucchi 1992
Bertucchi, G., Les amphores et le vin de Marseille. VIe s. avant J.-C. - IIe s. après J.-C., Revue Archéologique de Narbonnaise. Supplément, 25, Éditions du CNRS, Paris, 1992.
Fitzpatrick 1992
Fitzpatrick, A. P., La place des amphores dans l'approvisionnement militaire de l'Écosse romaine, in Les amphores en Gaule. Production et circulation, F. Laubenheimer ed., Centre de Recherches d'Histoire Ancienne, 116, 179-83, Université de Besançon, Besançon, 1992.
Laubenheimer 1985
Laubenheimer, F., La production des amphores en Gaule Narbonnaise, Centre de Recherches d'Histoire Ancienne, 66, Paris, 1985.
Laubenheimer 1989
Laubenheimer, F., Les amphores gauloises sous l'Empire. Recherches nouvelles sur leur production et leur chronologie, in Amphores romaines et histoire économique: dix ans de recherche, Collection de l'École Française de Rome, 114, 105-38, École Française de Rome, Rome, 1989.
Laubenheimer 1990a
Laubenheimer, F., Le temps des amphores en Gaule. Vins, huiles et sauces, Collection des Hesperides, Errance, Paris, 1990.
Laubenheimer 1990b
Laubenheimer, F., Sallèles d'Aude. Un complexe de potiers gallo-romain. Le quartier artisanal, Documents d'archéologie française, 26, Maison des Sciences de l'Homme, Paris, 1990.
Laubenheimer and Notet 1986
Laubenheimer, F. and Notet, J.-C., Les amphores produites a Gueugnon (S. et L.) et les debuts du vignoble Bourguignon, Dialogues d'histoire ancienne, 12, 431-53, 1986.
Martin-Kilcher 1994
Martin-Kilcher, S., Die römischen Amphoren aus Augst und Kaiseraugst. Ein Beitrag zur römischen Handels- und Kulturgeschichte. 2, Die Amphoren für Wein, Fischsauce, Südfrüchte (Gruppen 2-24) und Gesamtauswertung, Forschungen in Augst, 7, Römermuseum, Augst, 1994.
Peacock 1978
Peacock, D. P. S., The Rhine and the problem of Gaulish wine in Roman Britain, in Roman shipping and trade: Britain and the Rhine provinces, J. du Plat Taylor and H. Cleere ed., Research reports/Council for British Archaeology, 24, 49-51, Council for British Archaeology, London, 1978.