Table 19: Ordnance Survey benchmark list

National Grid ReferenceDescription of markHeight above ground (m)Altitude (m AOD)Date verified
SE 6042 5174Rivet on All Saints Church, north ang.0.015.0411956
SE 6032 51681 Nessgate east side road junction, north-west face, west ang.0.314.611960
SE 6043 5159Building south-west side road, north-east face, east ang.0.413.501960
SE 6040 5201NBM shop 68 Low Petergate, south-west face, west ang.0.516.901960
SE 6066 5184NBM 10 The Stonebow, north-west face, north ang. 0.810.841960
SE 6019 5185NBM Westminster Bank east side road, south-east face, south ang.0.413.971960
SE 6026 516014 King Street, north face, north-west ang.0.58.631960


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Last updated: Wed Mar 6 2002