Table 27: Horizon description: borehole 7

* All depths reported as metres below ground level
14.30m AOD is a mean value, calculated from twelve spot levels taken on the shop floor by YAT in June 1995.

Depth (m)*Horizon descriptionSample
Ref.TypeDepth (m)
1.4 Trench excavated by YATNo sample
2.4 Slightly moist, slightly sticky dark brown organic silty clay. Abundant wood remains giving a 'compost' soil texture. Slightly calcareous BH7 C1 Soil 1.80-2.40
2.9 Slightly moist, slightly sticky, very dark grey/black loamy 'peaty' material, with ash inclusions. Common wood remains. Calcareous BH7 C2 Soil 2.40-2.90
3.1 Dark reddish grey gritty ash horizonNo sample
4.4 Slightly moist, slightly sticky very dark grey/black loamy 'peaty' material. Abundant wood remains. Calcareous BH7 C3 Soil 3.40-4.40
4.9 Slightly moist, slightly sticky variable material; black loamy peat and dark brown organic clay. CalcareousNo sample
5.4 Wet, very sticky black loamy 'peaty' material. Non-calcareous. Foul egg smell BH7 C4 Soil 4.90-5.40
6.4 Slightly moist, stiff, very dark greyish brown clay (still made ground, as charcoal flecks present). Non-calcareous No sample
End of hole


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Last updated: Wed Mar 6 2002