
I thank my readers (yes, you) for the effort they went to in engaging with this piece, and for the comments and wisdom which they are surely about to send me, or post on Intarch-Interest.

I thank Jeremy Huggett and Seamus Ross for the opportunity to learn from everyone at Archaeological Informatics: Beyond Technology in Glasgow, and for their exceptional editorial patience and assistance. I also thank the seminar participants for sharing their insights, which I am still mulling over. I am most grateful to the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada for the Postdoctoral Research Fellowship that enabled me to research in more detail some of the topics sketched out above, and to McMaster University's Department of Anthropology, which provided me with a congenial environment in which to work. I am also grateful to John Barrett, Aubrey Cannon, Leslie Chan, Carl Cuneo, Ann Herring, Kris Hirst, Cornelius Holtorf, Rosemary Joyce, Mark Knackstedt, Carol McDavid, Graham McElearney, Mike Parker Pearson, Geoffrey Rockwell, Bob Trubshaw, Judith Winters, Alison Wylie, the Assemblage team from 1995-98, and my Archaeology in a Digital Age students at the University of Northern British Columbia in 2000, for their various influences upon the formulation of this research direction. However, none of them should be held responsible for its failings, or be assumed to agree with me.