All of these could be highly relevant to anyone embarking on a
small online public archaeology project, but if one has limited
time and resources, obtaining and reviewing the specialist
literature is probably not going to be a priority. [back]
I am generally reluctant to use the term 'public'
because many archaeologists seem to have a clear mental image of
who comprises 'the public' and what those people are like, and
because I think in some cases this image is best discarded in
favour of a new one assembled from a broad range of evidence. I
often tend, therefore, to use the term 'audience', to destabilise
the existing construction a little. But given that 'public
archaeology' is now an accepted label for a field of professional
practice, I use it throughout this paper. [back]
The first version of this paper was written in the
summer of 2001. Subsequent revisions and updates have been
comparatively minor, so it still represents the earliest part of
this research program. [back]
See also Kirsch
2001 for a very interesting review of anthropology's role in
legal proceedings regarding loss of culture and land. [back]
When using the expression 'to think historically'
here, I mean to include archaeology of societies without written
documents, and also archaeological science; I mean, simply, the
kind of intellectual activity that is necessary to think about past
events. [back]
I do agree with the many commentators who suggest
that some works in print have many of the characteristics of
hypertext, and thus hypertext is not entirely new; however, the
computerised aspects of WWW hypertext are clearly novel and
significant. [back]
It is hard to say whether this is a genuine case of
parallel development, or of selective citation giving that
impression. But given the explicitly social, egalitarian bent of
Berners-Lee's vision (e.g. outlined in his 1999 talk), it would be an
interesting project indeed to look closely at the timing of the
emergence of similar trends in mainstream archaeological thought,
to see whether there are specific common roots. [back]
I would be remiss if I did not include a
counterpoint here: Dillon and Gabbard (1998) conclude their review of a decade
of experimental research regarding hypermedia and learning with the
forlorn assessment that 'the benefits gained from use of hypermedia
technology in learning scenarios appear to be very limited and not
in keeping with the generally euphoric reaction to this technology
in the professional arena.' [back]