Appendix 1.2: Monuments of Merv photographic database

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The collection of monument photographs (dating from 1890 onwards) was first compiled by Georgina Herrmann, director of the International Merv Project. Part of the archive was published in 1999 (Herrmann 1999), and an enlarged collection was published in 2002, including a CD-ROM with low/medium resolution digital copies of the images (Herrmann et al. 2002). Since 2001 the Ancient Merv Project has added new images of the monuments, in particular showing their current condition and conservation work, and more detailed metadata for each of the photographs has been assembled. The database currently consists of 1,984 photographs of the numerous historic monuments in the Merv delta. Each of the photographs has the following fields:

The metadata was assigned by making use of the software programme I-View Multimedia Pro 3.1.2 and exported in Unicode UTF-8, comma separated, as text documents.


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Last updated: Mon Sept 29 2008