4.4.14 Coddenham, Suffolk

The Middle Saxon site at Coddenham lies 8km north of Ipswich and 1km to the west of the modern village, in a small tributary just to the north of the main Gipping Valley (Newman 2003), a major communications route in the Anglo-Saxon period. A 7th- to 8th-century cemetery with rich grave goods and bed burials was excavated 600m to the south.

The first Anglo-Saxon finds were reported in 1987, and most finds were recovered from 1988-1996, over an area of nearly six hectares. The VASLE dataset was collected from the Suffolk HER, with the assistance of John Newman. Over 60 early coins have been reported, plus over 200 other artefacts, mainly from the mid-7th to early 8th century. These include a wide range of copper alloy dress accessories, fittings, mounts, pins, and two fragments of styli. In addition a number of gold items have been recovered, including a cosmetic scoop, two finger-rings, and various scrap items. Some of the copper alloy material is scrap or off-cut and other artefacts are unfinished, also suggesting metalworking was taking place. The coin evidence suggests activity declined dramatically after AD 700.

Field-walking has produced no Ipswich Ware, making a domestic settlement unlikely, although it is possible that the site goes out of usage before Ipswich Ware is introduced. In summary, Coddenham probably represent a high-status settlement with wide-ranging contacts, associated with the excavated cemetery (Newman 2003). Coddenham parish has been suggested as a possible early minster site, given that the Domesday entry mentions ownership of parts of four churches.

Fingerprint charts for i) artefact date analysis, ii) artefact type analysis, iii) artefact metal analysis and iv) coins – date of production
Artefact date analysis Artefact type analysis Artefact metal analysis Coins - date of production


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