In another cultivated field 210m to the north of the villa, fieldwalking on two occasions (UF 31, 41) revealed a slight concentration of stone and ceramics on the lower slopes. A small amount of tile included possible imbrices and tegulae. Follow up low-resolution gradiometry suggested buildings, perhaps resolving the surface scatter into two structures, although no clear building plans emerged. Given the short distance from the villa, it is unclear whether this represents a separate establishment, or is part of the extended complex.
The pottery
No. of sherds: 12; total weight: 119g
A small assemblage with a range of material, all of which appears to be Gallo-Roman (Fig. 79, 7, 9). Much of the assemblage - flagon and coarseware forms (P(AV)8.1) - can be placed within the 1st century AD (Fig. 79, 8), while a single sherd of Dressel 1 may imply 1st-century BC occupation in the area. The presence of possible late La Tène or early Roman fabrics (Table 4) is consistent with this dating.
Further stray finds of pottery and Roman tile were found in another cultivated field to the north (UF 85).
The pottery
No. of sherds: 2; total weight: 12g
A single coarseware sherd can be dated to the Gallo-Roman period; the other sherd is a Rhenish fineware fabric of 2nd-3rd century AD date.
Line walked: 10m transects (6.9 ha) | 31, 41, 85 | Fig. 79 Diagnostic ceramics |
Gradiometry Survey: 1.0m x 0.5m (0.90 ha) | 66 | Fig. 23 Gradiometry results Fig. 24 Gradiometry interpretation |
Geophysical survey revealed traces of another possible occupation area at Varveille, on the terrace 180m south of the villa and 100m beyond the anomalies recorded in Les Mazilles south. The magnetic responses were again too indistinct to identify any building plans but, as in Les Mazilles south, the observed alignments were on a different orientation from the villa.
The Varveille site may have continued into the neighbouring field (29=40), where fieldwalking on two occasions yielded a slight cluster of tile fragments, including a single piece of tegula, and three sherds of pottery. In addition a flint scraper was recovered.
A second field a short distance further south (N du Jardet) was also walked, yielding an amphora sherd.
The pottery from Varveille (UF29 & 40)
No. of sherds: 3; total weight: 12g
One sherd in fabric B1 is a possible La Tène D bowl form (B(AV)2.2) (Fig. 79, 10). Although similar forms appear in the early medieval period, another possible late La Tène sherd and one of Gallo-Roman date point to late La Tène/early 1st-century AD occupation here.
The pottery from N du Jardet (UF45)
No. of sherds: 1; total weight: 40g
A single sherd of Dressel 1 amphora, from the Albinia kilns, is of later 2nd or 1st century BC date.
To the south-west of the villa, between La Grande Pâture and Les Bois de Monthelon, geophysical survey revealed a number of curvilinear features of unknown date. No finds came from this area of pasture.
Line walked: 10m transects (5.00 ha) | 29, 40, 45 | Fig. 79 Diagnostic ceramic Lithics (not illustrated) |
Gradiometry Survey: 1.0m x 0.5m (5.58 ha) | 28, 30 | Fig. 25 Gradiometry results Fig. 26 Gradiometry interpretation |
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Last updated: Wed Oct 29 2008