Museum accession no. | Museum collection | IPG slide | Macroscopic description | Implement type | Dimensions(mm) |
Car 124-1962 | Carlisle | C19 | Fine-medium, speckled grey dk grey-dk green, 0.5-1 mm black mafic phase in white eroded, powdery felsic matrix. | axe | 232x95x61 |
Car 18-1970-1 | Carlisle | C20 | Medium, speckled black and grey, well-developed black mafic phase in eroded grey felsic matrix, homogeneous texture. | axe | 193x74x43 |
Car A II 216 (14-1899-6) | Carlisle | C80 | Very coarse, speckled grey and white on broken surface, weathered surface brown-grey, evidence of quartz in broken surface(?). | mace head | 80x53x35 |
Car A II 223 | Carlisle | C81 | Medium, speckled grey-green and dk grey-dk green, with white felsic phase, homogeneous texture. | mace head | 93x61x48 |
Car 52-1970 | Carlisle | C23 | Medium-coarse, speckled cream/buff (45%) and dk green-black (55%), homogeneous texture, eroded felsic phase. | axe | 83x61x30 |
Car 8-1967 | Carlisle | C133 | Fine, dk grey-dk green, aphanitic, 0.2mm black mafic phase in eroded brown (Fe stain) matrix. | axe hammer | 120x80x42 |
L14 (LM 80.53) | Lancaster | C52 | Fine (<1mm), pale green-grey, with black mafic phenocrysts, alteration of matrix to white clay mineral. | axe | 222x89x47 |
Sc 808-38 | Scarborough | Y488 | Fine-medium, dk steely grey broken surface, orange-brown Fe stained weathered surface, fine black mafic phase. | axe hammer | 250x77x92 |
Hu 300-1942-256 | Hull | Y772 | Medium, porphyritic, two phenocrystal phases - the green anhedral and black subhedral, dk green colour with grey-green matrix. | mace head | 83x49x33 |
Hu300-1942-81 | Hull | Y623 | Medium-coarse, dk grey-dk green (grey coloured surface), brown-orange Fe staining, preferential weathering of felsic phase. | axe | 108x47x12 |
Hu 300-42-381 | Hull | Y667 | Fine-medium, grey with black subhedral mafic phenocrystal phase (0.5-1mm), glomerophorphyritic clustering of matrix, brown Fe staining. | axe hammer | 254x111x94 |
Sc 806-38 | Scarborough | Y425 | Medium, highly weathered, orange-brown weathered surface, grey-pink cut surface, pink alkali feldspar (cut surface?) | battle axe (unfinished) | 89x57x41 |
Sc 807-38 | Scarborough | ------ | Coarse, blue-green mafic phase in buff eroded matrix, mottled appearance, orange Fe staining. | battle axe | 78x61x35 |
Sc836-52 | Scarborough | Y439 | Fine-grained, brown-grey, highly weathered, preferential weathering of matrix to cream powder (clay min?) | axe | 78x58x41 |
Sc 843-52 | Scarborough | Y440 | Medium, interlocking granular texture, preferential weathering of felsic phase, orange-brown Fe staining. | axe | 86x42x13 |
Yor D9566 | Skipton | Y705 | Fine, buff-grey with black mafic crystals, highly weathered. | battle axe | 115x46x36 |
LM 61.22 | Lancaster | ----- | Very fine, aphanitic - glassy, dark green-black, smooth texture. | axe | 104x52x20 |