An excavation was undertaken by the Landscape Research Centre to explore three areas of geophysics survey incorporating an Iron Age barrow cemetery, Romano-British features and three Saxon Grubenhäuser. Samples were collected from the three Grubenhäuser; a series of cremation samples from the barrow cemetery and three bulk samples from two cremation pits and a barrow ditch; and three bulk samples from features at the north end of Trench AC and a series of eighteen samples from a column through a ditch fill towards its southern end (Tables 1 and 2). The samples were collected to assess the potential of the site and its deposits for palaeoenvironmental and palaeoeconomic analysis. The report summarises the results of the assessment of these samples. All these samples were submitted to the Environmental Archaeology Consultancy for processing and assessment. In addition to these samples a small series of four samples were taken from the base of a Romano-British ditch (Tag no. 8893-8896) and four samples from the base of an Iron Age ditch (Tag no. 8989-8992) in Trench AC for assessment of pollen survival.
Site | Area | Cont. | Tag no. | Sample vol (l). | Description | Date |
HPP028 | AA | 34 | 10001 | 10 | Fill of Grubenhaus 1 | Saxon | HPP028 | AA | 34 | 10002 | 10 | Fill of Grubenhaus 1 | Saxon | HPP028 | AA | 34 | 10003 | 10 | Fill of Grubenhaus 1 | Saxon | HPP028 | AA | 34 | 10004 | 10 | Fill of Grubenhaus 1 | Saxon | HPP028 | AA | 29 | 10005 | 10 | Fill of Grubenhaus 2 | Saxon | HPP028 | AA | 29 | 10006 | 10 | Fill of Grubenhaus 2 | Saxon | HPP028 | AA | 29 | 10007 | 10 | Fill of Grubenhaus 2 | Saxon | HPP028 | AA | 29 | 10008 | 10 | Fill of Grubenhaus 2 | Saxon | HPP028 | AA | 57 | 10009 | 10 | Fill of Grubenhaus 1 | Saxon | HPP028 | AA | 57 | 10010 | 10 | Fill of Grubenhaus 1 | Saxon | HPP028 | AA | 57 | 10002 | 10 | Fill of Grubenhaus 1 | Saxon | HPP028 | AA | 57 | 10012 | 10 | Fill of Grubenhaus 1 | Saxon | HPP028 | AA | 40 | 10013 | 10 | Fill of Grubenhaus 2 | Saxon | HPP028 | AA | 40 | 10014 | 10 | Fill of Grubenhaus 2 | Saxon | HPP028 | AA | 40 | 10015 | 10 | Fill of Grubenhaus 2 | Saxon | HPP028 | AA | 40 | 10016 | 10 | Fill of Grubenhaus 2 | Saxon | HPP028 | AA | 30 | 10017 | 23.5 | Fill of Grubenhaus 3 | Saxon | HPP028 | AA | 30 | 10018 | 24 | Fill of Grubenhaus 3 | Saxon | HPP028 | AA | 30 | 10019 | 21.5 | Fill of Grubenhaus 3 | Saxon | HPP028 | AA | 38 | 10020 | 25 | Fill of Grubenhaus 3 | Saxon | HPP028 | AA | 49 | 10021 | 21.5 | Fill of Grubenhaus 3 | Saxon | HPP028 | AA | 49 | 10022 | 24 | Fill of Grubenhaus 3 | Saxon | HPP028 | AB | 9081 | 14.5 | Charcoal-rich layer within pit in barrow ditch | Iron Age | HPP028 | AB | 9082 | 19 | Fill of ring-ditch around 9081 | Iron Age | HPP028 | AB | 9083 | 19 | Cremation pit fill | Iron Age | HPP028 | AC | 101 | 9084 | 20 | Upper 5cm of deposit at north end, on floor of trench | Romano-British | HPP028 | AC | 101 | 9085 | 13 | Lower 5cm of 50x50cm sample square | Romano-British | HPP028 | AC | 106 | 9086 | 19 | Ring-ditch fill | Romano-British |
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Last updated: Wed Nov 11 2009