
Three jar graves were observed in the side of the BTC trench in 2004. These could not be recorded further. In early 2005 the SCP trench line was cleaned by a machine fitted with a toothless bucket and a series of features observed. An excavation then commenced at this location. This revealed nine graves and a number of other features (Table 8).

A soil-filled curved feature was exposed at the east of the site. This was about 0.2m wide and 0.1m deep. It contained no dating evidence and possibly relates to later use of the area. A linear feature filled with burnt material and a hearth to the east of the excavation may also be of later date.

All the large burial jars lay with their mouths open to the south-east, which appears to be a common orientation for this type of feature. The other element of the site is that the burials appear to be in rows running north-west to south-east, about 8 to 9m apart, although an insufficient area was opened up to be sure of this. In most other locations, jar burials were found in ones or twos, so provided no evidence on the layout of cemeteries.


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