Kp 398.8
References: Museyibli et al. 2007a; Taylor et al. 2010; 2011, 150-151
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Tables: Table 7
Hasansu (398) excavation plan
A small cemetery with a minimum of ten burials located on the crest of the slope west of the Hasansu River. The site has probably suffered from erosion of its surface and other post-depositional processes.
The burials were marked by stone coverings and each consisted of human remains accompanied by a limited repertoire of artefacts. Some of the human remains were in such a disturbed state that it is believed that disarticulation was a common element of the burial process.
The dating evidence from the pottery suggests that the site is entirely of the early Iron Age. Although there are similarities to the sites of Zayamchai and Tovuzchai, the slightly later date and differences in burial techniques appear to show a significant variety in cultural affinity.
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