Table 2: Context inventory from the Upper Chapel excavations

Context number Sub-division Context type Description
100 Evaluation trench Deposit Medieval buried soil along northern edge
101 Evaluation trench VOID VOID
102 Evaluation trench Structure Sandstone wall footing along northern boundary of graveyard
103 Evaluation trench Deposit Natural sandstone clay geology – same as (300)
104 Evaluation trench Cut E-W drainage channel filled by (113) containing drain structure [105]
105 Evaluation trench Structure Drain structure within cut [104]
106 Evaluation trench Deposit Upper fill of drain [105]
107 Evaluation trench Deposit Lower fill of drain [105]
108 Evaluation trench Cut E-W grave cut filled by (109) and wood chippings (115) at base – for SK[1] in coffin [111], and SK[2] in coffin [114]
109 Evaluation trench Deposit Fill of E-W grave cut [108]
110 Evaluation trench Deposit Fill of eastern end of drainage channel [104]
111 Evaluation trench Structure Coffin in E-W grave [108]/(109) for SK[1]
112 Evaluation trench Deposit Made ground levelling of graveyard truncating (100) – same as (200)
113 Evaluation trench Deposit Fill of cut for drainage channel [104]
114 Evaluation trench Structure Coffin in E-W grave [108]/(109) for SK[2]
115 Evaluation trench Deposit Wood chippings in base of grave cut [108]
200 North of chapel Deposit Made ground levelling of graveyard – same as (112)
201 North of chapel Cut E-W grave filled by (202)
202 North of chapel Deposit Fill of E-W grave cut [201]
203 North of chapel Cut E-W double grave cut filled by (204)
204 North of chapel Deposit Fill of E-W grave cut [203]
205 North of chapel Structure Mortar pad partially covering grave cut [203]
206 North of chapel Structure Sandstone slabs partially covering grave cuts [207] and [208]
207 North of chapel Cut E-W grave cut filled by (209) within larger grave cut [213] – for SK[3] in coffin [215]
208 North of chapel Cut E-W grave cut filled by (210) within larger grave cut [213]
209 North of chapel Deposit Fill of E-W grave cut [207]
210 North of chapel Deposit Fill of E-W grave cut [208]
211 North of chapel Deposit Fill of E-W grave cut [213]
212 North of chapel Deposit Made ground cinder levelling of graveyard below gravestones
213 North of chapel Cut E-W large grave cut filled by (211)
214 North of chapel Structure Coffin in grave fill (216) for SK[4]
215 North of chapel Structure Coffin in E-W grave [207]/(209) for SK[3]
216 North of chapel Deposit Fill of indistinct E-W grave cut within larger grave cut [213] – containing SK[4] in coffin [214]
300 Service trenchDeposit Natural sandstone clay geology – same as (103)
301 Service trench Cut Possible E-W grave cut at base of service trench
302 Service trench Deposit Fill of possible E-W grave cut [301]


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