The excavations carried out between 1937 and 1940 exposed two temples, one of which was dedicated to Apollo, as well as a porticus around them and an apartment block near Piazza Campitelli (Colini 1938a, 203; 1940a, 9-40; 1941, 386-90; 2000, 214-16; Viscogliosi 1999). All the architectural fragments from the two buildings were housed in the arches of the Theatre of Marcellus, while three columns from the Temple of Apollo were re-erected (though not in their correct position). In 1938, while the foundations were being laid to rebuild the church of S. Rita, another temple came to light, later identified with that of Bellona. It was backfilled and its place taken by the new church. The remains of the porticus around the two temples were also exposed.
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