
This article reports on fieldwork which was made possible by a British Academy Small Grant (R1357801). The University of York supported Dr Jonathan Finch through an Anniversary Lectureship Award. These awards were generously supplemented by a contribution from a private donor which supported Ed Blinkhorn who conducted the geophysical survey. Prof. Doug Armstrong was funded by a grant from the Appleby Mosher Fund.

The fieldwork could not have been conducted without the support and hospitality of John and June Hutson, and Robin and Sarah Ingrahm at Mount Plantation. Terry Suthers made the trip possible and was an invaluable member of the team. The project was also facilitated by the support of the Barbados Museum and Historical Society, principally through the support and assistance of the Director, Alissandra Cummins, Thomas Loftfield and, in particular, Kevin Farmer. Prof Sir Hilary Beckles, Principal of the University of the West Indies, Cave Hill, also offered his help and support, and Dr Sabrina Rampersad provided essential and timely support, for which we are extremely grateful. The fieldwork team included Steve Ashby, Aleks McClain, Nicky Milner and Emily Rayner from York, and Kate Hicks and Matt Reilly from Syracuse. Jerome Handler also generously provided insights from his own extensive research on the island and its archives. The article also benefited from the comments of its anonymous referees. Without the support of all those listed above the project would not have been possible, so we extend our gratitude and thanks to all, whilst accepting any errors that remain are the authors' own.


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