List of Figures

Figure 1: Findspots of silver hoards in the Cisjordan Corpus. Map based on (CC BY-SA)

Figure 2: Bi-plot 1 of Southern Phoenician hacksilber samples against lead ores from Sardinia and the Iberian Peninsula (24-31). See key for numbered citations.

Figure 3: Bi-plot 2 of Southern Phoenician hacksilber samples versus selected lead ores from southern France (32-34) showing overlaps with selected Sardinian deposits (Figure 2 sources). See key for numbered citations.

Figure 4: Bi-plot 3: ratios of selected lead ores in Sardinia, the Iberian Peninsula, Greece (Laurion), Central and East Anatolia and southeastern Turkey (Taurus) versus hacksilber data from Tel Miqne-Ekron (Table 1) and the southern Phoenician hoards (24-31, 35- 37, 46, 48 and 50). See key for numbered citations.

Figure 5: The comparison of calculated growth curves and selected ores in the Mediterranean: AC = the average crustal curve (38), WM = the western Mediterranean (35); UC = the upper crustal curve and OR = and the deep crustal curve for orogenic mountain formation (20) versus in the western Mediterranean (32, 24, 29, 31, 19), Turkey (36, 39, 40), and the Aegean (37, 41, 42). Error = 0.1% amu. See key for numbered citations.

Figure 6: Selected western Mediterranean lead ores (24-34) versus samples from the Eshtemoa Hoard. See key for numbered citations.

Figure 7: Field photo: one of three juglets of silver found at Ein Hofez (courtesy of Y. Alexandre; credit: C.M. Thompson).

Figure 8: Field photo: Hacksilber in the form of silver earrings, Ein Hofez (courtesy of Y. Alexandre; credit: C.M. Thompson).

Figure 9: Field photo: corroded silver in the Tell Keisan hoard (courtesy J.B. Humbert, École biblique et archéologique française de Jérusalem; credit: C.M. Thompson).

Figure 10: Field photo: one juglet from the Akko hoard (courtesy M. Artzy; credit: C.M. Thompson).

Figure 11: The silver hoard from Tel Dor (Image © Tel Dor excavations. Used with permission).

Figure 12: Field photo: Hacksilber from Ein Hofez (courtesy Y. Alexandre; credit: C.M. Thompson).

Figure 13: Map of the Mediterranean showing places noted in the text. Insert showing the major mineralizations in the Iberian Peninsula. (Based on map by ColdEel, CC-BY-SA-3.0 via Wikimedia Commons. Geological map by PePeEfe, translated by Graeme Bartlett, CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons)

Figure 14: Map of Southern Phoenician hacksilber hoards. Map based on (CC BY-SA)


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