Fig. 11 The artefact composition of the 23 Michelsberg sites.
From top to bottom:
- total number of artefacts (pale yellow)
- number of different artefact types (dark yellow)
- artefact assemblage, shown as raw counts per artefact type (orange)
- artefact assemblage, shown as percentages per artefact type (purple)
- artefact assemblage, shown as ranking value per artefact type, minimum tie (blue)
- artefact assemblage, shown as progressive class values (red)
In each of the segment diagrams the following artefact types are
presented, starting from the east in anti-clockwise direction:
- triangular arrowhead with invasive surface retouch (DXH)
- teardrop arrowhead (DRUP)
- leaf-like arrowhead (BLAD)
- pointed blade (SPIT)
- macrolithic artefact (MAC)
- scraper (KRB)
- borer (BOR)
- notch (NOT)
- retouched blade or flake (RET)
- axe (BYL)
- pottery (AARD)
- hammer stone (KLOP)
- core (KERN)
- other artefacts/debris (OVER)