Northern zone, Open Area 32 (west of Road 1) - Period 2B

Open Area 32 (Figure 48) is a rectangular enclosure defined by boundary ditches 25039 and 25243 to the west and north, and by Road 1 to the east. Very little of the interior of OA32 is investigated, much of the area being covered in homogeneous silts that were not extensively removed. Further Late Iron Age features must be assumed to underlie these. Investigation of the interior is more-or-less limited to the Area F 'South Trench'; therefore little can be discerned about its Period 2B function.

Period summary view | Open areas, enclosure systems and roads on the lower terrace

Pitting (Groups 302, 303)

Pit 10345 (Group 302) lies toward the western boundary of OA32. It contains pottery, but also four iron nails.

Like pits 8274 and 8282 in OA30, pit 10288 (Group 303) is located on the enclosure boundary, cutting ditch 25039. Similarly, it contains a relatively large quantity of pottery for a LIA pit in this part of the settlement. It also includes a loomweight (SF8066), daub and a significant quantity of animal bone (1.3kg).

Although pits 10552 and 10695 (Group 299) are interpreted as underlying Road 1, their upper fills include slightly later material that suggest early Roman levelling and consolidation carried out ahead of the imposition of the earliest road to be laid. If the creation of the new settlement layout is regarded as marking the beginning of Period 2B, then these upper fills technically belong here.


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