The final site to consider here is the Romano-British settlement at High Post, near Salisbury (Powell 2011). The excavation of a corn drying oven at this site produced a small but extremely interesting assemblage of pottery. First among the finds is an AHGW bowl, with an everted rim and a band of grooved lines around its girth (Powell 2011, fig. 27.33). This vessel is clearly an imitation of a BB1 Type 18 bowl (Powell 2011, 61). The same context also produced three bases, two of which (in OXRS and OXMO) had been shaped into discs. What makes this group of pottery of more than passing interest, however, is the fact that it also contained a hollow pedestal base in a hard-fired sandy fabric considered to be of early 5th- to 6th-century date (Powell 2011, 62). Its association with what appears to be an imitation Type 18 vessel and other Romano-British pottery is intriguing to say the least.