3.2 Geophysical survey by David Hopewell

The gradiometer survey produced a detailed plan of the early fields (Figure 5). The generally low, grassed-over terraces produced strong anomalies perhaps as a result of accumulation of magnetically enhanced humic soils along the boundaries. Increased levels of magnetic noise close to the boundaries indicated that the terraces had been deliberately constructed from dumped stony material. The survey also revealed additional details and features including probable earlier sub- divisions (11/21), a roundhouse within a small enclosure (15), and another possible roundhouse or recent stack-stand (16).

Figure 5
Figure 5: Cwm Cilio: Gradiometer survey - Grey-scale plot and interpretation

The survey also revealed cultivation marks, presumably plough furrows, which were mostly aligned and therefore associated with the overlying post-medieval fields. However, in two areas (23/24), there were cultivation marks on different alignments clearly pointing to earlier, as yet undated, episodes of ploughing. These marks, with a spacing of c.3m, appear to show a form of ridge-and- furrow cultivation.


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