List of Figures

Figure 1: Site location plan

Figure 2: Excavation areas

Figure 3: Medieval building under excavation, looking north-east

Figure 4: Plan of Area 2 medieval building, use phase. The building was divided into three rooms, the central and western rooms defined by a beam slot and divided by the remains of a stone wall. The eastern room lacked surviving foundations.

Figure 5: Hearths 27091 and 27095

Figure 6: Oven 27101

Figure 7: Bronze Age palstave axe-head from layer 2010

Figure 8: Plan of Area 2 medieval building disuse phase

Figure 9: Medieval pottery from layer 27027 (a); globular jug (b) jar

Figure 10: Composition of charcoal remains from floor of medieval building (layer 27027)

Figure 11: Composition of charcoal from Sample Squares 6–9, 11-14 combined

Figure 12: Composition of plant remains from floor of medieval building

Figure 13: Distribution of selected metal items including Bronze Age palstave

Figure 14: Comparison of Island Farm with Building A1 Meldon, Okehampton Park (after Austin 1978, fig. 5)

Figure 15a: Composition of demesne crops for Otterton in 1324–25 / Figure 15b: Composition of crops from the chamber at Island Farm


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