
We are grateful to John Eliot for allowing excavation at Druid's Lodge, and for allowing facilities to support the site team. We are also grateful to the MoD for providing facilities for post-excavation and record digitisation. Excavation and post-excavation work was undertaken on this project for Historic England by Paul Braham, Rose Calis, Paul Durdin, Mike Emra, Alice Forward, Martyn King, Inés Lòpez-Dòriga, Matthew Nicholas, Jonathan Parkhouse, Becca Pritchard, Cat Rees, David Roberts, Andrew Valdez-Tullett, Kevin Wooldridge and Philip Wright. Phil McMahon, Melanie Pomeroy-Kellinger and Clare King monitored the work and together with Nick Snashall, NT archaeologist for the WHS provided helpful input throughout the project. We are very grateful to Wessex Archaeology and Highways England for allowing a brief initial account of their work to be presented alongside our results; their results presented here relating to Winterbourne Stoke 71 and 86 are based on their Geophysical Survey Report and the Assessment Report of the excavations (Wessex Archaeology 2016a; 2016b), and we look forward to the full publication of this work in due course. All Historic England work was undertaken as part of project H7238 — Stonehenge Southern World Heritage Site Survey, internally funded. This text was considerably improved thanks to comments from HE colleagues, Dave Field and others, but all views expressed and any errors contained therein remain the responsibility of the authors. The physical archive from the Historic England excavations is currently held at Fort Cumberland, Portsmouth, and the digital archive on HE servers. The physical archive will be deposited at Salisbury Museum in due course, and the digital archive with the ADS. Hard copies of the assessment report and this publication have been deposited with the Wiltshire HER.


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