
Valérie Taillandier and Damien Vurpillot from Université Bourgogne Franche-Comté were responsible for the GOM Atos scanning. Kyle Urquhart from the University of Arkansas completed the Breuckman scanning, and Stephanie Kimmey from the University of Missouri, Columbia completed the Reflectance Transformation Imaging and naked-eye usewear study. We are also grateful to Dr Alex Barker (Director, MU Museum of Art and Archaeology), Antonella Magagnini, Carla Martini and Marco Polizzy Carbonelli (Sovrintendenza Capitolina, Direzione Musei), for their enthusiastic support of the pilot project. Thank you also to Dr Michael Glascock (MURR) and Dr. Johanna Boyer for sharing their unpublished work with us. We benefited from the suggestions of the attendees of the Hidden Treasure of Rome Workshop in January 2016, as well as conversations with the attendees of the 'Big Data on the Roman Table Workshops I and II'. The project was supported by seed grants from Mizzou Advantage and the University of Missouri Research Council.


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