3.10 Phase 5d: 14th – early 15th century

Phase 5d

3.10.1 Church

Within the church, a floor of sandstone chips was laid. The sandstone was probably from Elgin-Hopeman-Lossiemouth areas (see Section 8.4.2) and was soon disturbed by the continued use of the interior of the church for burials. Burials which took place within the church in this phase included SK 222, SK 223, SK 234, SK 235, SK 255, SK 256 and SK 257.

3.10.2 Graveyard

Three burials, SK 301, SK 316 and SK 322 took place within the graveyard during this phase. Nearly thirty fragments of floor tile [1094, 1093, 1397, 1055, 1053, 1054, 1092, 1239, 1052] were incorporated within AUD, the grave of SK 301.

3.10.3 West Range

The West Range buildings continued in use during this period although no activity can be specifically associated with this sub-phase.


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