Table 17: Mean stature (male and female combined) from various British archaeological and documentary populations. The present sample falls in the mid range for both sexes
cm feet n cm feet n
Neolithic British 172 5'8" 25 - - - Beddoe in Wells 1969
Bronze Age British 176 5'9" - - - - Manchester 1983
Bronze age Scottish 171 5'7" 18 160 5'3" 11 Bruce 1986
Iron Age Maiden Castle 168 5'6" 26 - - - Goodman and Morant in Wells 1969
Anglo Saxon London 164 5'4" - 156 5'1.5" - Zivanovic 1982
C10-C16th St. Helens, York 169 5'6.5" lge 157 5'2" lge Dawes 1980
C11-C12th St. Nicholas Shambles 173 5'8" 94* 157 5'2" 94* White 1988
C13-C15th Whithorn 169 5'6.5" 128 155 5'1" 140 Cardy 1997a
C6-C7th Whithorn 176 5'9" 5 - - - Cardy 1997a
C13-C16th Aberdeen E19 168 5'6" 21 160 5'3" 10 Cross and Bruce 1989
C13-C16th Aberdeen E38 171 5'7.5" 21 155 5'1" 13 Cardy, this study
C13-C17th Linlithgow 170 5'6.5" 15 156 5'1" 21 Cross and Bruce 1989
C15-C16th Logie's Lane 169 5'6.5" 14 156 5'1" 4 Cardy 1997b
C16-recent Ensay 166 5'5.5" 86 155 5'1" 100 Miles 1989
1896 Scotland 174 5'8.5" - - - Forgie 1978
1960 Scotland 177 5'9" - - - Forgie 1978
Modern British 177 5'9" lge 163 5'4" lge Knight 1984


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