Table 39: General flint artefact list by trench and area.
West range (A) West range (B) West range (C) Church Graveyard 1980-1 excavation Total
Chips 1 3 4
Flakes 26 8 70 11 2 117
Blades 2 19 3 1 25
Microblades 2 1 3
Indeterminate pieces 9 3 1 6 1 20
Pieces w macroscopic use-wear (10 flakes+ 1 blade) 4 7 11
Crested flakes / blades 1 1 1 3
Total debitage 42 11 1 108 17 4 183
Split/flaked pebbles 2 2
Single-platform cores 1 2 2 1 6
Irregular cores 1 5 6
Bipolar cores 2 1 5 8
Core fragment 1 1
Core rough-out 1 1 2
Total cores 4 4 16 1 25
Scrapers: Discoidal scrapers 1 1
Short end-scrapers 4 1 11 1 1 18
Double-scrapers 1 1
Side-scrapers 3 2 5
Borers 4 7 11
Burins 1 1 1 3
Truncations: Pieces w curved truncations 1 1
Pieces w concave truncations 1 1
Pieces w oblique truncations 1 1
Pieces w notch(es) 2 3 5
Serrated pieces 1 3 4
Pieces w edge-retouch 8 4 25 2 17 56
Combined tools 1 1 2
Fabricator 1 1
Hammerstone 1 1
Total tools 23 5 53 3 27 111
TOTAL 69 20 1 177 21 31 319


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