Table 48: Percentages of bones from food-forming mammals from medieval urban sites in Aberdeen and a rural site in Aberdeenshire
* indicates that sheep and goat are expressed as one percentage
† excludes cast antler
Sources: 1Smith and McCormick 2001; 2Smith and Hodgson 1984; 3Hodgson and Jones 1982; 4McCormick unpublished; 5Smith 1989.
Cattle Sheep/Goat Goat Pig Horse Deer
Carmelite Friary 1980-1 excavation Phase 2/2a/3/3a 40.0 48.2 0.5 5.6 5.6
Carmelite Friary 1980-1 excavation Phase 2c 52.8 39.8 3.7 3.7
Carmelite Friary 1994 excavation, west range ?12th-14th c 40.2 53.3 0.9 4.6 0.7 0.2
Carmelite Friary 1994 excavation, west range 15th c 45.0 50.4 3.8 0.2 0.6
Castle Street1 13th-14th c 57.0 36.0 * 3.5 3.5
Castle Street1 15th c 60.1 31.9 * 8.1
16-18 Netherkirkgate1 (Phases 1-4) 58.0 29.2 0.3 10.9 0.3 1.2†
Gallowgate Middle School1 (Phase 2) 54.9 32.1 4.5 7.6 0.2 0.7
53-59 Gallowgate1 63.0 27.6 1 7.1 0.8 0.6
45-47 Gallowgate2 61.3 25.6 0.9 10.2 0.7 1.4
Queen Street3 58.1 24.9 1.8 13.8 0.2 1.2
42 St Paul Street3 69.1 17.2 2.2 8.4 1.6 1.5
Rattray Castle4 49.9 34.2 * 11.1 1.9 2.9
Whitefriars, Perth5 59.0 37.3 0.5 0.5 2.3 0.3


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