Table 53: Bone size range summary, for 1980-1 and 1994 excavations combined: cattle (see notes)
Medieval Post-medieval
Bone Measurement Range n Range n
Horn core max 58.7 1
min 44.6 1
BC 163 1
Lower third molar l 28.1-34.7 6 33.5-34.0 3
b 13.1-15.8 6 12.0-14.9 3
Atlas GL 68.7 1
Scapula SLC 39 1 37.8-47.5 5
GLP 53.0-54.7 2 54.4-57.2 2
Radius Bp 65 1 57.4 1
Metacarpal Bp 44.9-53.6 3 47.0-56.2 2
Dp 29.4-33.9 3 27.9-33.0 4
Bd 46.2-63.4 5 49.4-55.0 5
Innominate LAR 48.5 1
Femur Bp 104 1
Patella GL 54.6 1 51.0-62.1 3
GB 43.7 1 40.3-50.2 4
Tibia Bp 77.5-78.5 2
Bd 48.6 1
Os malleolare GD 27.2 1
Astragalus GLl 54.2-60.0 4
Bd 33.4 1
Naviculo-cuboid GB 42.8-46.3 2 45 1
Metatarsal GL 191 1
Bp 41 1
Dp 41.5 1
Bd 44.0-53.4 7 46 1
SD 26.5 1
1st Phalange GLpe 46.4-56.0 20 45.4-56.2 14
Bp 22.3-32.0 18 22.3-27.9 11
Bd 21.2-28.0 15 22.0-29.3 13
2nd Phalange Gl 29.6-38.0 19 30.4-36.6 14
Bp 22.3-29.6 16 22.9-28.3 16
Bd 17.9-23.2 14 17.5-22.0 10
3rd Phalange DLS 56.0-73.1 10 55.0-66.2 6
Ld 41.2-51.1 10 39.4-48.4 6


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