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Internet Archaeology: Issue 55 (2020)

Data-Informed Tools for Archaeological Reflexivity: Examining the substance of bone through a meta-analysis of academic texts

Sarah E. Jackson, Caleigh E. Richissin, Erin E. McCabe and James Jaehoon Lee

Cite this as: Jackson, S.E., Richissin, C.E., McCabe, E.E. and Lee, J.J. 2020 Data-Informed Tools for Archaeological Reflexivity: Examining the substance of bone through a meta-analysis of academic texts, Internet Archaeology 55.

Reproducibility, Replicability, and Revisiting the Insta-Dead and the Human Remains Trade

Shawn Graham and Damien Huffer

Cite this as: Graham, S. and Huffer, D. 2020 Reproducibility, Replicability, and Revisiting the Insta-Dead and the Human Remains Trade, Internet Archaeology 55.

Using DSLR to 'Scan' Colour Slides: learning from the Digitising Jemdet Nasr 1988-1989 Project

Mónica Palmero Fernández

Cite this as: Palmero Fernández, M. 2020 Using DSLR to 'Scan' Colour Slides: learning from the Digitising Jemdet Nasr 1988-1989 Project, Internet Archaeology 55.

Digital Public Archaeology at Must Farm: A Critical Assessment of Social Media Use for Archaeological Engagement

Christopher Wakefield

Cite this as: Wakefield, C. 2020 Digital Public Archaeology at Must Farm: A Critical Assessment of Social Media Use for Archaeological Engagement, Internet Archaeology 55.

The Matrix: Connecting Time and Space in Archaeological Stratigraphic Records and Archives

Keith May

Cite this as: May, K. 2020 The Matrix: Connecting Time and Space in Archaeological Stratigraphic Records and Archives, Internet Archaeology 55.

The Post-excavation Analysis and Archiving of Outputs from Complex, Multi-period Landscape Investigations: the example of Heslington East, York

Steve Roskams

Cite this as: Roskams, S. 2020 The Post-excavation Analysis and Archiving of Outputs from Complex, Multi-period Landscape Investigations: the example of Heslington East, York, Internet Archaeology 55.

A Four Stage Approach to Community Archaeology, illustrated with cases studies from Dorset, England

Hayley Roberts, John Gale and Kate Welham

Cite this as: Roberts, H., Gale, J. and Welham, K. 2020 A Four Stage Approach to Community Archaeology, illustrated with case studies from Dorset, England, Internet Archaeology 55.

Experimental Heritage as Practice: Approaching the Past through the Present at the Intersection of Art and Archaeology

Bodil Petersson, Danny Burke, Maria Kerin, Mary Nunan, Michael Walsh, Helle Kvamme, Patricia McKenna, Ros Ó Maoldúin, Déirdre Carr and Stefan Bergh

Cite this as: Petersson, B. and Burke. D. et al. 2020 Experimental Heritage as Practice: Approaching the Past through the Present at the Intersection of Art and Archaeology, Internet Archaeology 55.

A Massive, Late Neolithic Pit Structure associated with Durrington Walls Henge

Vincent Gaffney, Eamonn Baldwin, Martin Bates, C. Richard Bates, Christopher Gaffney, Derek Hamilton, Tim Kinnaird, Wolfgang Neubauer, Ronald Yorston, Robin Allaby, Henry Chapman, Paul Garwood, Klaus Löcker, Alois Hinterleitner, Tom Sparrow, Immo Trinks, Mario Wallner and Matt Leivers

Cite this as: Gaffney, V. et al. 2020 A Massive, Late Neolithic Pit Structure associated with Durrington Walls Henge, Internet Archaeology 55.

The Burial Space Research Database (Data Paper)

Toby Pillatt, Gareth Beale, Katie Green, Debbie Maxwell, Harold Mytum, Kieron Niven, Julian Richards, and Nicole Smith

Cite this as: Pillatt, T. et al. 2020 The Burial Space Research Database (Data Paper), Internet Archaeology 55.

Public Archaeology: sharing best practice. Case studies from Wales

Seren Griffiths, Ben Edwards and Ffion Reynolds

Cite this as: Griffiths, S., Edwards, B. and Reynolds, Ff. 2020 Public Archaeology: sharing best practice. Case studies from Wales, Internet Archaeology 55.

An Approach to the Ethics of Archaeogaming

Shawn Graham

Cite this as: Graham, S. 2020 An Approach to the Ethics of Archaeogaming, Internet Archaeology 55.

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