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Iron Age Settlements and Roman Roads: archaeological fieldwork along the Angelinos trunk water main in north Oxfordshire

Owain Scholma-Mason, Michael Tierney, Hayley Goacher and Matt Edgeworth
with contributions by Jane Timby, Veronica Anicetti, Mauro Rizzetto, Sue McGalliard, Richard Macphail, Julie Lochrie, David Henderson, Angela Walker and Holly B. Duncan
Illustrations by Beata Wieczorek-Oleksy

Cite this as: Scholma-Mason, O., Tierney, M., Goacher, H. and Edgeworth, M. et al. 2021 Iron Age Settlements and Roman Roads: archaeological fieldwork along the Angelinos trunk water main in north Oxfordshire, Internet Archaeology 56.

Area 1 | Area 2 | Area 3 | Area 4 | Area 5 | Area 7 | Area 9 | Area 10 | Area 11 | Area 12 | Area 13

Figure 1 Plan of archaeological features Plan of archaeological features Plan of archaeological features Plan of archaeological features Plan of archaeological features Plan of archaeological features Plan of archaeological features Plan of archaeological features Plan of archaeological features Plan of archaeological features Plan of archaeological features Plan of archaeological features

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