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Archaeological Digital Archiving in Heritage Management in Slovakia

Peter Bisták, Ján Zachar, Alexandra Rášová, Tibor Lieskovský, Ivica Kravjanská, Martina Orosová, Kristína Kročková and Michal Felcan

Cite this as: Bisták, P. et al. 2021 Archaeological Digital Archiving in Heritage Management in Slovakia, Internet Archaeology 58.


The Monuments Board of the Slovak Republic (MB SR) and the Regional Monuments Boards have been the state administrators of the cultural heritage, including archaeology, since 2002. This article aims to map the current state of archaeological digital archives within MB SR and eight Regional Monuments Boards, as well as present the usage and management of digital datasets within ongoing projects. The central archive of the MB SR maintains historical plans and cultural heritage documentation, created since the 1920s and continuously digitised (the collections of negatives, diapositives, projects, plans, schematic maps, and fieldwork documentation). Since 2012, MB SR has taken part in the Digital Monuments Fund project. Within this project, 2D and 3D documentation of a great number of cultural monuments has been created. In 2019 the implementation phase of the Monuments information system (PAMIS) project started. Its basic modules are the presentation layer, the knowledge agenda and state administration. There are several features in preparation within these modules, such as: updating; collection, consolidation and GIS processing of archaeological site data that belong to the monuments fund, including data from aerial laser scanning; the archaeological excavation registry and the archive of fieldwork reports; the registry of finds in the administration of MB SR; the electronic processing of the state administration activity within the protection of the archaeological cultural heritage. The PAMIS project will provide processed data and make them accessible to the state and public administration, owners of monuments, as well as to professionals and the general public, using online solutions (web GIS) with various approaches according to defined user roles.

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  • Keywords: archaeology, heritage management, digital archives, documentation, digitisation, information system, Slovakia
  • Accepted: 21 January 2021. Published: 31 May 2021
  • Funding: This article was funded by SEADDA as part of COST Action 18128, Horizon 2020 Framework Programme of the European Union
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Corresponding author: Peter Bisták
The Monuments Board of the Slovak Republic

Ján Zachar
The Monuments Board of the Slovak Republic

Alexandra RášováORCID logo
The Monuments Board of the Slovak Republic

Tibor LieskovskýORCID logo
Department of Theoretical Geodesy and Geoinformatics, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava

Ivica Kravjanská
The Monuments Board of the Slovak Republic

Martina Orosová
The Monuments Board of the Slovak Republic

Kristína Kročková
The Monuments Board of the Slovak Republic

Michal Felcan
The Monuments Board of the Slovak Republic

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Figure 1: Data structure of archaeological layers of PAMIS

Figure 2: An example of archaeological sites and potential in archaeological layers of PAMIS - Hillfort Neštich (north), Biely Kameň castle (south), cadastre: Svätý Jur. ALS data source: GCCA

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