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Policy and Practice for Digital Archaeological Archiving in Italy

Elena Calandra, Valeria Boi, Annalisa Falcone, Valeria Acconcia, Sara Di Giorgio, Flavia Massara and Paola Ronzino

Cite this as: Calandra. E., Boi, V., Falcone, A., Acconcia, V., Di Giorgio, S., Massara, F. and Ronzino, P. 2021 Policy and Practice for Digital Archaeological Archiving in Italy, Internet Archaeology 58.


This article highlights how the Italian Central Institute for Archaeology (ICA) is developing the National Geoportal for Archaeology (GNA), based on the ARIADNEplus infrastructure and its policy framework. Thanks to the GNA project, it will be possible to search and learn about archaeological documentation managed by Superintendencies and Universities holding a significant amount of archaeological data, much of which is either completely or partially unpublished.

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  • Keywords: archaeology, Italy, interoperability, data integration, digital library, GIS, management of archaeological data, open access, open data
  • Accepted: 9 November 2021. Published: 16 December 2021
  • Funding: This article was funded by SEADDA as part of COST Action 18128, Horizon 2020 Framework Programme of the European Union
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Corresponding author: Sara Di GiorgioORCID logo
Central Institute for the Union Catalogue of the Italian Libraries of the Italian Ministry of Culture

Elena Calandra
Central Institute for Archaeology of the Italian Ministry of Culture

Valeria Boi
Central Institute for Archaeology of the Italian Ministry of Culture

Annalisa Falcone
Central Institute for Archaeology of the Italian Ministry of Culture

Valeria Acconcia
Central Institute for Archaeology of the Italian Ministry of Culture

Flavia Massara
Central Institute for the Union Catalogue of the Italian Libraries of the Italian Ministry of Culture

Paola Ronzino

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Figure 1: The Geoportal and a sample record of archaeological excavations

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