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Digital Archiving of Archaeological Resources in Flanders (Belgium): a brief review

Piraye Hacıgüzeller, Koen Van Daele, Frank Carpentier and Raf Ribbens

Cite this as: Hacıgüzeller, P., Van Daele, K., Carpentier, F and Ribbens, R. 2021 Digital Archiving of Archaeological Resources in Flanders (Belgium): a brief review, Internet Archaeology 58.


This article provides an overview of the current state of archaeological digital archiving in Flanders (Belgium). It briefly outlines the legally defined stakeholders and actors through which archaeological fieldwork is regulated and carried out. It subsequently describes related digital documentation and archiving practices, and guidelines. This is followed by a discussion on compliance with the FAIR Guiding Principles, and the article concludes with notes on the past and future of archaeological digital archiving in Flanders.

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  • Keywords: digital archiving, Flanders Heritage Agency, Flanders, Belgium, FAIR Guiding Principles, linked data, open archiving, archaeological fieldwork documentation, archaeological reporting, archaeological heritage
  • Accepted: 21 January 2021. Published: 31 May 2021
  • Funding: This article was funded by SEADDA as part of COST Action 18128, Horizon 2020 Framework Programme of the European Union
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Corresponding author: Piraye HacıgüzellerORCID logo
Antwerp Cultural Heritage Sciences, University of Antwerp

Koen Van DaeleORCID logo
Flanders Heritage Agency

Frank CarpentierORCID logo
Department of Archaeology, University of Leuven

Raf RibbensORCID logo
Flanders Heritage Agency

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