Computer-aided reconstruction and visualisation of archaeology (sites, landscapes and artefacts) has developed rapidly in the last few years and no longer are the technologies beyond the reach of many archaeologists. Although advanced photo-realism and the interactivity inherent in digital reconstruction enable the past to be recorded and reconstructed in ways that are revolutionising methods of presentation, it is now time to move beyond the 'pretty pictures' that we can make, and this theme is intended to explore the theories behind and validity of these approaches. However, we do not wish to restrict the theme and would like to throw open the definition of 'visualisation' and encourage proposals that explore alternative, visual ways of expressing archaeology.
The core of this theme will be based on some papers from EAA 98 (Goteburg) and will be edited by Steve Dobson, Experimental Officer, Department of Archaeology, University of York.
Inspired to take up your virtual pen and contribute? Contact the editor today and register your interest. Deadine for submissions is 16th December 1999.
Internet Archaeology Office, Department of Archaeology, University of York, The King's Manor, York, YO1 7EP
Telephone: 01904 433955 Fax: 01904 433939