The catalogue serves two major functions; as a gazetteer of all sites from which either structure or artefactual material relating to tobacco pipe kilns has been reported; secondly as a record of such artefactual material. A full discussion of the recording system and the way that the catalogue entry is condensed from the record sheets is included in Part One Section 4. The entry opens with a code number specific to this survey by which all records, drawings and photographs are identified. There follows the site address, below which is the name of the museum, unit or other place where the material is held. Where possible an accession number is included. On the extreme right is the National Grid Reference for the site to as high a degree of accuracy as available information allows. There follows a brief qualification of the assemblage which records whether the material is an excavated group; a recovered group; a casual find or other. Any information concerning the maker or makers of marked pipes included in the assemblage or documented occupation of the site by pipemakers is also included.
The tabulated entry is split according to fabric type and listed in order of the catalogue hierarchy. The first column of figures is the total weight [in grams] of material in each category. The second column of figures is the number of fragments or objects that yield this weight. In the final column is the category description. Where this is followed by a ? this means that the identification is in doubt. Furniture items are given a number from the respective typology. Where the letter prefix, identifying a group of objects, is not followed by a number identifying the type, this simply means that the fragment or fragments recorded have no specific diagnostic features to distinguish types within the group. Where the abbreviation NA appears in the first column of figures the object or objects has not been weighed. Where the word bag follows a number in the second column of figures this denotes the number of bags of material rather than the number of individual fragments.
Other abbreviations used in the catalogue are:-
ext external frag fragment imps impressions inc incomplete int internal NI Northern Ireland no number obj object Catalogue Hierarchy Muffle Muffle: wall/base/prop/bar Peripheral shelf Core fragment Stems/bowls/mouthpieces from matrix Wig curler in matrix Layered/flaked lute Lining patch Furniture Prop Bun Dish Saggar/wall/base Bat Roll Strap Wad Thin Sheet: flat/rolled/folded edge/strip Variable sheet Rack end Clay with bowl mouth impressions Access Wicket: Shelf/wad/brick/tile Door with spy hole Plug Concentric plug Muffle cover & Stem slag laminate flue lining Thin sheet, stem, slag laminate Stem & slag Bowl & slag Corner infill Ridge Brick & slag Clay formed against bricks Composite support Miscellaneous Shaped section Wedge section Stem/bowl/wasters Glazed mouthpiece Stamp Knob Clay as mortar Rounded clay pellets Tipping muffle Clay slate sandwich Daub squeezes Brick or bar Fire brick Red brick Cylinder/pipe Trimming ring? Raw pipe clay Coal Coke Charcoal Slag Dish setter Pottery Shell Glass Stone Chalk Lime mortar Ash & clay mortar Iron Bone Wood Amorphous fragment Slagged detritus Mixed detritus
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Last updated: Wed Oct 9 1996