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ABCD: List of Archaeobotanists

Code Name Institution
ABBrown, Andrew ?Botany School, Cambridge (1970)
ACCrone, Anne
ACMMacLean, A Coinneach (Christ's Coll. Cambridge (1978)
ACWWestern, A C Ashmolean Museum, Oxford (1976)
ADDavis, A Museum of London/DUA
ADFFairweather, A D (1981)
AECCaseldine, Astrid E Univ of Wales, Lampeter
AEHHudd, A E (1909)
AFFrancis, A
AGGoddard, Adelaide QUB
AG1Gebbels, A (now Locker) (1978)
AGSSmith, A G QUB/Cardiff Univ.
AHAAlston, A H G Botany Dept BMNH (1949)
AHLLyell, A H (1908)
AJCClapham, Alan Institute of Archaeology (1988)
AJGGouldwell, A (Tony) J: Leicester Univ
AJWWilmott, A J BMNH (1938)
AKHHoward, A K
AKJJones A K G Norfolk AU and EAU, York
ALLynch, A Dublin National Monuments Branch
AMMilles, Annie Cardiff Univ/EAU York
AM1Miles, Ann (1988)
AMDDonaldson, A M Durham Univ
AMEEvans, A M (1979)
AMHHansson, A M (Stockholm 1989)
AMLAncient Monuments Lab (DOE/HBMCE/English Heritage)
APPerry, Ann (1985)
AP1Pearson, A (1990)
APCConolly, Ann
APHHooper, A P (1983)
ARRoss, A (1975)
ARHHall, Dr Allan EAU, York Univ
AWWainwright, A
BBolton, ? Forestry School, Cambridge (1931)
BBBiddle, Brian Southampton (1986)
BCCollins, B Dublin, Ireland
BJOOrme, Bryony J [Coles B J] Exeter Univ
BNNelmes, B Dept Biophysics Leeds Univ (1966)
BSSeddon, Dr B Botany Dept National Museum of Wales (1972)
BS1Staddon, B W
BWSSparks, B W (1967) **delete?
CADDickson, Camilla Glasgow Univ (nee Lambert)
CAKKeepax, Carole
CALLambert, C A (see CAD) Botany School, Cambridge
CAMMorris, Carole A
CASStace, C A (1973) Leicester Univ
CBBowker, Cath (1982)
CCCrewe, C (1975)
CFFrost, C
CGGroves, Cathy Sheffield Univ
CPPoole, Cynthia ?Botany School Cambridge?
CRReid, Clement
CR1Roeder, C (1899)
CRCCartwright, C R Institute of Archaeol. London/BM Res. Lab.
CRMMetcalf, C R Jodrell Lab., RBG Kew
CTTaylor, Sir C (1971)
CWJWickham Jones, C R (1985)
DB1Brough, D W Dept Botany, Glasgow Univ
DCCleere, Mrs D
DDBBartley, D D Plant Sci. Leeds Univ (1976)
DFCCutler, D F RBG Kew
DGGarton, D (1983)
DGWWilson, Dr D Gay Botany School, Cambridge
DHHabeshaw, D Dumfries Museum
DHDDalby, D H (1969 mosses)
DMCChurchill, D M (1976)
DNPPegler, D N (1989 fungi) RBG Kew?
DPPollock, D (1985)
DRRobinson, D
DVVaughan, Marie-Dominique (see DM) DUA/Inst of Arch/AML
DWWilliams, Dorian York, EAU
DWBBrett, D W Dept Botany, Glasgow Univ
EEddy, Mr British Museum (NH)
ECWWallace, E C (mosses 1989)
EGDDavies, E G South Wales Forensic Laboratory (1958)
EMRReid, Eleanor M (1921)
EPProudfoot, E (1965)
ESSalisbury, Sir Edward RBG
FAHHibbert, F A Liverpool Poly
FBBell, F Botany School, Cambridge/Dept Geol, B'ham/RBG Kew (1971)
FBBBalfour-Browne, Mrs F L Dept Botany BMNH (1949)
FDDavies, Francis (nee Bell) RBG Kew
FJGGreen, Francis J Test Valley Archaeol. Trust
FJSSpurrell, F J (1885)
FLSStevens, F L (1944)
FRRichardson, F Jodrell Lab. RBG Kew
FWJJane, Prof F W
GCCambell, Gillian Glasgow/Oxford Univs
GC1Chadwick, G Dept Ag. & Fish (1975)
GCBBoon, G C (1985)
GCHHillman, G C Cardiff; Institute of Archaeology London
GCMMorgan, Graham C Dept Archaeol. Leicester Univ (1978)
GDDoherty, G RBG (1987)
GEJJones, Glynis E M Sheffield Univ
GEOOakley, G E (1974)
GFMMitchell, G F Dept Quaternary Studies, Trinity Coll. Dublin
GHWWillcox, George H London
GKEElliot, G K (1971)
GMMMacphail, G M
GPPetrie, G (1873)
GTTaylor, G RBG Kew (1963)
GT1Tandy, G BMNH (1939)
GWDDimbleby, Prof Geoffrey Inst of Archaeol, London
HAHHyde, H A Keeper of Botany Museum of Wales (1927)
HFTTagg, Harry F Edinburgh Royal Botanic Gardens
HGGodwin, Prof H Botany School Cambridge
HHHelbaek, Hans National Museum, Copenhagen, Denmark
HHCClarke, Mrs H H Dept Plant Sciences Newcastle Univ. (1968)
HJJarman, H
HPPorter, Helen Oxford (1980)
IBBBayley Balfour, Prof I. Botany Dept. Glasgow (1879)/RBGE (1908)
IRRichardson, Ian
ITTyers, I (London)
JAAllison, J (1947) Botany School, Cambridge
JA1Ambers, J (1987)
JAHHayes, J A (1978)
JBBritten J BMNH (1908)
JB1Baigent, J.
JCMMaby, J C (1935)
JDDavies J Dept Botany Nat. Mus. Wales
JEEde, Joy (1990)
JFFFletcher, J F Research Laboratory for Archaeology, Oxford
JFLLevy, J F Dept Botany, Imperial College of Science
JGGiorgi, J
JGCCallander, J G (1911)
JHHughes, J
JH1Hillam, Jennifer Sheffield Univ`
JHDDickson, Dr James Glasgow Univ Botany Dept
JJJones, Julie Bristol Univ
JMMurray, Josephine Wakefield (WYAS)/Museum of London
JMCColes J M Univ Cambridge/Devon
JMRRenfrew, Mrs (Lady) Jane M Sheffield/Soton/Cambridge Univs
JMSSheldon, Joan M Institute of Archaeol. London (1979)
JPPercival, J (1940) Reading Univ
JP2Preston, J
JPHHuntley, Jacqueline P Durham Univ
JPPPals, J P IPP Amsterdam
JPSSquirrell, J P (1989)
JRRoberts, J Dept Agric. Botany, Reading (1974)
JRAArthur, J R B
JRGGreig, James R Birmingham Univ, Dept Plant Sciences
JRHHaynes, J R (1967)
JRPPilcher, J R QUB
JSGGilmour, J S L Botany School, Cambridge (1931)
JSHHood, J S R EAU, York Univ
JTTurner, Judith Durham Univ
JT1Taylor, J RBG Kew
JTWWilliams, J T
JWBBarber, J W SDD Central Excavation Unit
JWFFranks, J W
KBBachem, K (Botany School Cambridge)
KBBBlackburn, K B Armstrong College Newcastle (1951)
KCCampbell, K (1985)
KEBBarber, K E Southampton Univ
KJJessen, Knud DGU, Denmark
KMCChalkin, K M (1953)
KMWWhittaker, K M (1988)
LCChalk, L (1946) [?RBG Kew]
LMMoffett, Lisa Birmingham Univ
LM1Morgan, L (1986)
MMeikle Mr RBG (1968)
MAMMonk, Mick A Dept Archaeology, Cork
MBBastow, Margaret (1990)
MCPProctor, M C F Exeter Univ
MDDean, M (1978)
MEGGodwin, Mrs M E Botany School, Cambridge
MEMMorrison, M E S (1960) QUB
MHCClifford, M H Botany School Cambridge (1936)
MHMMedland, M H
MJBBurroughs, M J
MJFFraser, M J Dept Botany, Glasgow Univ
MJSScannell, M J P Head of Herbarium, Dublin Bot. Garden (1972)
MJWWalker, M J C St Davids, Lampeter
MKJJones, Martin K Oxford Univ; Durham Univ; Cambridge Univ
MPPettit, Mary (1971) Botany School, Cambridge
MPDDenne, Dr M P UCNW Bangor (1985)
MRRobinson, Mark Oxford Univ
MR1Ransom, Marie Botany School, Cambridge
MRSSeaward, M R D Bradford Univ
MS1Smith, M J (1983)
MTTaylor, M
MVVvan der Veen, Marijke Durham/Sheffield/Leicester Univs
MWWillis, M (1975)
MYOOrr, Miss M Y Regius Keeper of RBGE (1934)
MYSStant, M Y
NLKKent, N L British Flour Mills Research Assoc. St Albans
PBBoyd, P.
PCBBuckland, P C (1982) Birmingham/Sheffield Univs.
PEQPalaeoecology Lab., QUB
PGFFranklin, P G H Dept Forestry (?Oxford) (1974)
PHHinton, Pat Sherborne, Dorset
PMMurphy, Peter L Centre for East Anglian Studies, UEA, Norwich
PM1Myerscough, P Dept Botany RBGE (1976)
PPParadine, P J (1984)
PP1Porter, P
PRCRowley-Conwy, P A Cambridge/Durham Univs
PRTTomlinson, Philippa EAU, York Univ/Centre for Manx Studies, IOM
PSGGreen, P S
PWWilliams, P Lonsdale College, Derby
PW1Wiltshire, Pat Inst of Arch
PWWWright, P W A Wykamol Ltd, Winchester (1975)
RRenvoise Mr RBG Kew (1968)
RAHHousley R A (Rupert) Cambridge/Oxford/Glasgow Univs
RALLamour, R A
RBERoyal Botanical Gardens, Edinburgh
RBGRoyal Botanical Gardens, Kew
RCAAlvey, R C Archaeology Dept Museum, Nottingham Univ
RDDennis, R W G Kew
REMMoore, R E Jodrell Lab. RBG Kew
RGGale, Rowena RBG Kew
RGSScaife R G AML/Southampton Univ
RHBBiffen, Prof Sir R H (1925)
RIMMacphail, R I Inst of Arch
RJFFlood, R J (1980)
RMMartlew, R (1985)
RM1McCullough, Rob (1988) ?=RPM
RNNicholson, Rebecca EAU, York/Bradford Univ
RNHHubbard, R N L B Institute of Archaeology/NELP
RPMMcCullagh, R P J (1986)
RRTTylecote, R R (Newcastle 1989)
RSStevenson, R
RSGGreen, R S (1956 ?RBGE)
RTThomas, Richard
RWWatling, R RBGE
RWDDennell, Robin W Cambridge/Sheffield Univs (1969)
SAAntoine, S Cardiff (1989)
SAHHunt, Sally-Ann
SBBoardman S Sheffield Univ
SB1Bohncke, S
SCCauvain, Stanley (1989)
SGGeraghty, S Dublin/Cork
SJJuggins, S
SKKing, Sarah Hull Univ
SLLimbrey, S Birmingham Univ
SMCColledge, Susan M Birmingham Univ/ Institute of Archaeol. London
SMPPeglar, Sylvia M Botany School Cambridge
SNNye, Sandra freelance contract worker
SUUnderdown, S Humberside Arch. Unit/EAU (1979)
TMHHarris, T M Botany School, Cambridge (1926)
VPHHewetson, V P
VSStraker, Vanessa DUA London/Bristol Univ
VVHHenton, V V C British Flour Mills Research Assoc. St Albans
WACClarke, W A (1959)
WEBBoyd, Bill Dept Botany, Glasgow Univ
WGVGroenman-van Waateringe, Willy IPP, Amsterdam
WJCCarruthers, Wendy J AML
WJHHemp, W J (1930)
WJMMcKenna, W J B (Barrie) EAU York
WSHHanson, W S


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Last updated: Mon Jun 11 2007