Table 38: Description of sample, recovered at point of moisture cell insertion

* Ground level taken as the upper surface of former shop floor (14.30m AOD)

Sample/cell numberSample depth from ground level (m)*Sample description
11.10Very dark greyish brown non-calcareous material, containing builders' debris, bone and cess (pit fill?)
21.77Very dark grey calcareous highly organic material, containing charcoal (pit fill?)
31.15Dark brown non-calcareous material, containing builders' debris, bone, charcoal and cess
41.85Very dark grey calcareous material, containing builders' debris, bone, charcoal and cess
50.90Mottled dark greyish brown non-calcareous material, containing builders' debris (roof tile) and cess
61.10Mottled very dark grey non-calcareous material, containing builders' debris, wood and cess (pit fill?)
71.30Very dark greyish brown non-calcareous material, inclusions of lighter material present, contains builders' debris and wood (pit fill?)
81.60Very dark grey calcareous highly organic material
90.98Very dark greyish organic brown non-calcareous material, containing builders' debris, bone and cess (pit fill?)
101.20Very dark grey calcareous organic material, containing builders' debris, bone and charcoal
111.46Dark brown calcareous organic material, containing pot fragments, builders' debris, bone and cess
121.64Very dark grey calcareous highly organic material, containing builders' debris
131.80Black slightly calcareous highly organic material, containing builders' debris, ash and charcoal

Table 39: Results of sample analysis from moisture cell insertion

** Organic matter content determination using 'loss on ignition' method
* Ground level taken as the upper surface of former shop floor (14.30m AOD)

Sample/cell numberSample depth from ground level (m)*Gravimetric moisture content (%)Volumetric moisture content (%)Dry bulk density (g/cm)pHElectrical conductivity (ms/cm)Organic matter** (%)


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