Table 35: Soil water measurements by neutron probe for site visit of 27 June 1995: Access Tube 1

(Water Standard Mean (Rs) for site visit is 892 cps)

Depth (mm) R1 (cps) R2 (cps) R3 (cps) Mean (cps) Rs (cps) Volumetric mc (%)
200 * * * * 892 *
300 * * * * 892 *
400 * * * * 892 *
500 437 430 437 435 892 45.5
600 639 630 642 637 892 67.2
700 637 643 649 643 892 67.9
800 644 644 635 641 892 67.6
900 674 669 664 669 892 70.7
1000 714 708 698 707 892 74.7
1100 672 664 657 664 892 70.1
1200 608 606 606 607 892 64.0
1300 680 682 695 686 892 72.4
1500 686 683 679 683 892 72.1
1600 599 606 604 603 892 63.6
1700 714 718 719 717 892 75.8
1800 760 772 769 767 892 81.2
1900 792 797 786 792 892 83.8
2000 833 734 733 732 892 77.5
2500 727 710 717 718 892 75.9
2600 718 706 717 714 892 75.4
2700 672 683 674 676 892 71.4
2800 774 777 766 772 892 81.7
2900 768 758 757 761 892 80.5
3000 767 750 765 761 892 80.5
3100 725 706 713 715 892 75.6
3200 696 702 698 699 892 73.8
3300 752 745 741 746 892 78.9
3400 713 712 707 711 892 75.1
3500 700 700 695 698 892 73.8
3600 722 726 731 726 892 76.8
3700 733 743 730 735 892 77.8
3800 738 732 735 735 892 77.7

Table 36: Soil water measurements by neutron probe for site visit of 27 June 1995: Access Tube 3

Depth (mm) R1 (cps) R2 (cps) R3 (cps) Mean (cps) Rs (cps) Volumetric mc (%)
200 * * * * 892 *
300 * * * * 892 *
500 611 616 615 614 892 64.7
600 650 654 644 649 892 68.5
700 651 655 657 654 892 69.1
800 617 626 620 621 892 65.5
900 700 697 692 696 892 73.6
1000 729 724 734 729 892 77.1
1100 726 719 726 724 892 76.5
1200 684 690 687 687 892 72.6
1300 684 687 701 691 892 73.0
1400 707 703 708 706 892 74.6
1500 707 704 705 705 892 74.6
1600 718 725 721 721 892 76.3
1700 737 744 747 743 892 78.6
1800 748 752 752 751 892 79.4
1900 762 759 763 761 892 80.6
2000 754 756 747 752 892 79.6
2100 763 769 766 766 892 81.1
2200 782 786 786 785 892 83.1
2300 764 768 760 764 892 80.9
2400 772 774 780 775 892 82.1
2500 758 746 760 755 892 79.9
2600 669 681 670 673 892 71.1
2700 710 717 715 714 892 75.5
2800 777 781 772 777 892 82.2
2900 761 764 758 761 892 80.5
3000 756 747 763 755 892 79.9
3100 769 767 762 766 892 81.1
3200 799 796 788 794 892 84.1
3300 765 774 778 772 892 81.7
3400 755 747 739 747 892 79.0
3500 769 767 771 769 892 81.4
3600 760 762 758 760 892 80.4
3700 710 714 714 713 892 75.3
3800 725 747 734 735 892 77.8


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Last updated: Wed Mar 6 2002