Table 7: 44-45 Parliament Street, York: sediment descriptions for samples from Section 3 (south-west), Trench 1

The order follows the stratigraphic sequence, from uppermost downwards to facilitate cross-referencing. All sediments were recorded as 'moist' or 'just moist'.

Context Height (m AOD) Sample Type of deposit Sediment description
1004 13.6 30001 surface deposit or uppermost extant fill of large pit 1015 heterogeneous, soft, amorphous organic sediment and buff silty clay/clay silt in dark grey-brown humic clay, with stones to 10mm, mortar and white 'efflorescence'
1004 13.5 30002 surface deposit or uppermost extant fill of large pit 1015 very heterogeneous: dark brown (oxidising in places to reddish-brown) soft, crumbly (working plastic) silty clay with lumps of organic sediment; stones 6-20mm, brick/tile and some white 'efflorescence' present
1008 13.3 30003 fill of pit 1015 mid-dark grey-brown, crumbly (working plastic), sandy silty clay with small clasts of pale grey clay, traces of white 'efflorescence', charcoal, wood (chips from black to orange; very rotted); fruitstones in concretions; large mammal bone
1014 12.9 30004 fill of pit 1015 mid, slightly ochreish-brown, just crumbly (working plastic and slightly sticky) silty clay with 1- and 10-mm scale mottles more grey and more orange, and mortar, white 'efflorescence' and wood
1020 12.9 30005 very thick layer into which pit 1015 was cut dark brown, soft, crumbly, slightly structured (working just plastic) silty amorphous organic sediment with stones 2-6mm, ?mortar, brick/tile, small patches of white 'efflorescence', wood (mineral-replaced in part), and large mammal bone fragments
1032 12.5 30006 very thick layer into which pit 1015 was cut (probably part of same context as last) very dark brown, slightly soft to crumbly (working plastic), silty amorphous organic sediment with slight darker and lighter mottling, some pot, charcoal, wood, burnt bone and oyster shell; an iron object also present


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