Table 11: 44-45 Parliament Street, York: some statistics for estimates of water content

Height Mean SD Min. Max.
13.0m OD or over 37% 3.8 30% 43%
<13.0m OD 43% 5.0 31% 50%

Table 12: 44-45 Parliament Street, York: some statistics for estimates of pH

Height Mean SD Min. Max.
13.0m OD or over 6.7 0.35 6.1 7.2
<13.0m OD 6.7 0.29 6.0 7.3

Table 13: 44-45 Parliament Street, York: some statistics for estimates of organic content

Height Mean SD Min. Max.
13.0m OD or over 18% 3.6 11% 24%
<13.0m OD 26% 6.7 12% 40%


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Last updated: Wed Mar 6 2002