Table of Figures

Note: The figures are displayed inline at a small size. If you click on a highlighted figure within a blue border you can view a large scale picture, which may take a long time to download. There is no large version of Figure 11.

  1. Heslerton Parish Project Research Area: Location
  2. Cropmarks draped over a Digital Elevation Model.
  3. Plot of all known crop marks in the Heslerton Parish Project Area
  4. Fluxgate gradiometer survey of triple ditch round barrow.
  5. Fluxgate gradiometer survey of the Hengiform structure
  6. Fluxgate gradiometer survey of Ladder Settlement. (Area 6.87 hectares)
  7. Digitised plots of crop marks from aerial photographs
  8. Digitised interpretation of features from the multi-spectral images (bands 7, 10 & 12)
  9. Multi-spectral image of a segment of the ladder settlement showing a combination of bands 7 and 12.
  10. As above with fluxgate gradiometer survey superimposed.
  11. Sub-sections of Figures 9 and 10 combined to show the difference between the MSS and Geophysical results.


© Internet Archaeology
Last updated: Wed Apr 23 1997