A 5th-6th century Anglo-Saxon cemetery is known from Elsham Wold, in addition to a prehistoric inhumation burial with a Beaker and two lengths of (probably) prehistoric ditch. Some 630 cremation urns and 4 inhumations were discovered during excavations in 1975-6. Elsham is 3.5km south-east of Melton Ross, and South Newbald is also nearby. Everson (1993) has suggested a relationship between these large early cemeteries and later Domesday soke centres. The VASLE dataset comprises records from the PAS only; the relationship of the possible 'productive site' to the earlier cemetery is not known.
Fingerprint charts for i) artefact date analysis, ii) artefact type analysis, iii) artefact metal analysis and iv) coins date of production
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URL: http://intarch.ac.uk/journal/issue25/2/4.4.22.html
Last updated: Tues Apr 21 2009