Evidence: Eneolithic | Bronze Age | Iron Age | Antique | Albanian | Medieval | Post-Medieval
Kp 272
References: IoAE 2004b; Maynard 2004; Taylor et al. 2010
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Borsunlu (272) excavation plan
The Bronze Age element of the site was an apparently natural mound within which a chamber had been excavated, roofed by 17 juniper tree trunks and covered by a stone cairn. Within the chamber was a male skeleton, apparently disarticulated and laid against the north-west end of the chamber. Within the chamber were various bronze objects, a barbed and tanged obsidian arrowhead and a horse skeleton.
A sample of the timber over the chamber was sent to Professor Peter I. Kuniholm of Cornell University for dendrochronological dating. The timber proved to be juniper, with a date of 1248 BC (with the outer rings missing, so add a further ten years for the felling date).
The mound lies to the south of a series of hills on which are a large number of kurgan mounds. Traces of others were also located in the area south and west of the excavation.
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