Evidence: Eneolithic | Bronze Age | Iron Age | Antique | Albanian | Medieval | Post-Medieval
Kp 333
References: Museyibli 2008b
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Human Bones [PDF] | Dating | Charcoal [PDF]
Shamkirchai Kurgan 3 (333) excavation plan
Shamkirchai 3 was a large stone kurgan or cairn about 22m in diameter. In the centre was a grave (1) with some apparent structure built around it. Graves 2 and 3 and a stone setting lay equally spaced around the circumference of the kurgan stone spread.
The stone setting to the north-west may have been a feature to imitate a grave, or it may be associated with the area of burnt soil just to the east, which could have formed as a result of ritual activities.
Grave 1 contained charcoal that gave a radiocarbon date of Cal BC 2870 to 2570 (Beta 220996). A further radiocarbon date of Cal BC 2860 to 2810 and Cal BC 2750 to 2720 Cal BC 2700 to 2490 (Beta 220997) was obtained from the site, but this is, unfortunately, not located precisely and may come from any of the graves. The other material from the site indicated use of the site in the Kura Araz period of the early Bronze Age.
The kurgan later served as a focal point for a number of graves laid out in a Christian style.
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| File last updated: Fri Jun 17 2011