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4.3.17 Coarseware 13

This coarseware appears to be an exclusively Archaic fabric.

Forms Types
Bowls Type 1
Jars Type 1
Jar Handles Type 1


Type 1

Hemispherical bowl, sometimes with a slightly incurving rim (cf. Perkins and Walker 1990, fig. 32.1-2, 316). Date: 7th-6th century.


Type 1

Plain everted rim with a varying number of grooves on the interior (cf. Perkins and Walker 1990, fig. 38-9). Date: 7th-mid-6th century.

Jar Handle

Type 1

Loop handle (cf. Perkins and Walker 1990, fig. 31.9).

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Last updated: Fri Nov 13 1998