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6.5 Fine Creamware

The Fine Creamware display a different distribution pattern again. The quantity of finds and the wide range of shapes found at Doganella might suggest that the Fine Creamware was produced at Doganella, but the distribution pattern does not confirm this. Although the ware is less common outside of the city, the find spots do not cluster around the city as they did for the amphorae and the Coarseware 2. The ware is found throughout the valley, around all of the centres and in the coastal strip of the Ager Cosanus.

Distribution map of Fine Creamware

Fig. 194. Distribution map of Fine Creamware
© P Perkins 1997

Graph of the distribution of Fine Creamware and settlements against distance from the city

Fig. 195. Graph of the distribution of Fine Creamware and settlements against distance from the city
© P Perkins 1997

Without evidence for a production centre it is hazardous to hypothesise a distribution mechanism, but there may have been several production centres for this ware or a widespread demand may have created a wide distribution pattern.

Some of the forms, for example the stemmed plates and chalices, are highly standardised both in shape and size and it is possible that they are the products of single specialised workshops. Certainly this impression of regularised production contrasts with the variety of forms, firings, and fabrics seen in the coarsewares.

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Last updated: Fri Nov 13 1998