Table of figures continued
Coarseware 2: The Doganella Amphora
Fabric Basin base
Coarseware 2: The Doganella Amphora
Fabric Jar type 6
Coarseware 2: The Doganella Amphora
Fabric Jar type 8
Coarseware 2: The Doganella Amphora
Fabric Jar type 10
Coarse Creamware 1 Miscellaneous type 1
Coarse Creamware 2 Bowls type 2
Coarse Creamware 2 Jar type 8
Coarse Creamware 2 Jar type 9
Coarse Creamware 3 Plate type 1
Creamware 3 Jar type 25
Coarseware 7 Jar type 2
Coarseware 11 Jar type 1
Waster Jar type 16
Amphora in Coarse Creamware 1: Amphora
Handle type 5
Doganella Amphora Base type 4
Amphora Fabric 1: Etruscan Amphora type
Amphora Fabric 9: Etruscan Amphora type
Amphora Fabric 15: Greco-Italic Amphora
type 1
Pithoi in Coarseware 1 type 1
Pithoi in Coarseware 1 type 3
Pithoi in Coarseware 1 type 4
Pithoi in Coarseware 1 type 4
Pithoi in Coarseware 1 type 13
Pithoi in Coarseware 1 type 17
Pithoi in Coarseware 1 type 18
in Coarseware 1 type 19
Pithoi in Coarseware 1 type 20
Pithoi in Coarseware 1 type
Bucchero Chalice 1
Bucchero Chalice 3
Bucchero Chalice 4
Bucchero Chalice 5
Bucchero Cup 10
Bucchero Foot ring 13
Buccheroid Impasto Chalice 15
Buccheroid Impasto Chalice 17
Buccheroid Impasto Chalice 20
Buccheroid Impasto Kantharos 21
Buccheroid Impasto Bowl 22
Buccheroid Impasto Bowl 23
Buccheroid Impasto Oinochoe 24
Buccheroid Impasto Oinochoe 25
Impasto Chalice 26
Impasto Chalice 27
Impasto Chalice 28
Impasto Chalice 29
Impasto Chalice 31
Impasto Chalice 32
Impasto Bowl 34
Bowl 35
Impasto Bowl 36
Impasto Bowl 38
Impasto Bowl 40
Impasto Bowl 43
Impasto Bowl 44
Coarseware Jar 47
Coarseware Jar 48
Coarseware Jar 49
Corinthian ?Cup 52
Distribution map of wasters
Distribution map of Doganella Amphorae
Graph of the distribution of
Doganella Amphorae against distance from Doganella
Distribution map of Coarseware 2
Graph of the distribution of
Coarseware 2, Doganella Amphorae and settlements against
distance from the city
Distribution map of Coarseware 1
Graph of the distribution of
Coarseware 1, Coarseware 2 and settlements against
distance from the city
Distribution map of Coarse Creamware 1
Graph of the distribution of
Coarse Creamware 1, Coarse Creamware 2 and settlements
against distance from the city
Distribution map of Coarse Creamware 2
Distribution map of Fine Creamware
Graph of the distribution of
Fine Creamware and settlements against distance from the
Distribution map of pithoi in
Coarseware 1
Distribution map of Pithos fabric 2
Dsitribution map of pithoi in
Coarse Creamware 1
Graph of the distribution of
pithoi in Coarseware 1, Pithos fabric 2, 3 and Coarse
Creamware 1 and settlements against distance from the
Distribution map of Pithoi fabric 3
© Internet Archaeology
Last updated: Fri Nov 13 1998