
The ACCORD project team: Stuart Jeffrey (PI), Sian Jones (Co-I), Alex Hale (Co-I), Cara Jones (project partner), Clara Molina-Sanchez. It's been fun! I am thankful for Stuart Jeffrey's comments on a draft and telling me about labanotation, and Cara Jones' insights on the recording of the cairn.

Participating Groups in ACCORD 2014 to 2015 were:
The Access Archaeology Group, the Uists
Ardnamurchan Community Archaeology
Bressay Heritage Group, Shetland
The Colintraive and Glendaruel Development Trust History Group
Friends of the Glasgow Necropolis
The How Old Are Yew? group, Castlemilk, Glasgow
Kirkcudbright History Society
The Rhynie Woman, Aberdeenshire
Rock-climbers at Dumbarton Rock
The Tarbet Isle Dig Project, Loch Lomond

The community groups mentioned and all those who took part in ACCORD. Disclaimer - the arguments made in this article are mine and are testament to the enthusiasm and commitment of the individuals who participated. Any statements attributed to the group are based on the co-written summary statements archived with the ADS and all quotes are anonymous.


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