4.3 Recording methodology

In processing the multiple photographs of the Mary May tomb, several RTIs were recorded in order to collect multiple viewpoints onto the effigy. The recording methodology was not intended as a comprehensive survey of the artefact. Instead, a decision-making pipeline that enabled iterative building of the narrative of the tomb was utilised. For instance, particular attention was paid to recording the visage of the effigy from a low-down standpoint (see Figure 9) to replicate early experiences of the tomb.

Figure 9
Figure 9: Re-creating 'views' of the tomb through the recording methodology.

Cameras were mounted on the floor, facing upwards towards the effigy in an attempt to re-create the viewpoint of an audience in front of the tomb before it had been removed from its plinth. This placing of cameras did not attempt to re-establish the context of the tomb within its phenomenological setting, but instead was intended as an entry point into the consideration of the treatment of the tomb post-mortem. This was an attempt to ascertain whether changes to the sculpture had been conducted when the tomb was already 'in-place' within the chapel.


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